Lil Astorino, RN, LEAP Certified

Supportive and Palliative Care Clinic
Brampton Civic Hospital

Liliana Astorino is a registered nurse and has been working in complex continuing care for 20 years. Liliana was drawn to palliative care while searching for normalcy in her feelings after the passing of her parents. She was the Resource Nurse in palliative care from 2011 until 2016. She describes palliative nursing as rewarding as she has the opportunity to connect with patients and families and provide them with dignity in their health after disease. 

She was part of the team that established the Supportive and Palliative Care Clinic at Brampton Civic Hospital in January 2016. She worked on operation planning and management, working with stakeholders, the community of doctors and nurses, and partners. Liliana is now a clinical nurse, which entails consultations in the clinic and throughout the hospital, liaising with other nurses in the community, educating nurses on appropriate medication for symptom management and comfort feeding. 


Nutritional intervention in patients with advanced cancer and cachexia

Remote speaker / Presenting virtually

Nurses play a crucial role in the multidisciplinary management of cancer cachexia. Nurses take on the part of educators, managers, and facilitators while supporting the patient, caregiver and family. 

Nurses use assessment tools like Edmonton Symptom Assessment System the Distress Thermometer and provide nutritional support. Additionally, nurses provide critical, holistic care through pain management and spiritual, psychological, and social support to both families and the patient. Nurses offer a safe environment where the patient feels dignified and valued as a person. A nurse's goal is to strengthen trust empower patients and families to offer autonomy in decision making. 

Further, nurses offer psychosocial support during cancer cachexia treatment by educating the patient and families in nutrition, food as an act of care and emotional wellbeing. They are often responsible for recognizing emotions during cachexia treatments and supporting patients and their families.