Stephanie Cox, BSc. RD is a Provincial Practice Lead for Nutrition Services within Alberta Health Services (AHS). Prior to this position, she worked as the Rural Practice Lead for Central Zone Nutrition Services and as the clinical dietitian at the Rocky Mountain House Health Centre covering Acute Care, Outpatients and Home Care in the area. Stephanie is a passionate advocate of malnutrition and a huge supporter of AHS’s Time to Eat and MedPass Initiatives. She has spearheaded Lived Experience events to promote change and protect meal times locally at her site and more broadly throughout the zone. Thanks to Stephanie’s efforts, malnutrition is now included in the orientation of all new staff and students working at the Rocky Mountain House Health Centre.
The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force, a standing committee of the Canadian Nutrition Society, and the Health Standards Organization (HSO) have developed Canada’s First National Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard. Select criteria in this standard will be reviewed and assessed for becoming Required Organizational Practices. In the meantime, effective ways to adopt the evidence based approaches that are the foundation of the standard, must be explored. Based on the format of the highly popular CMAW 2021 Champions webinar, this session will review how hospital dietitians can apply their learnings from targeted nutrition care initiatives, to implement the new malnutrition standard.